

2022-12-02 17:04 来源:奇牛QQ站 点击:



  you always have ro taste all the pain alone

  2、我假装放手 你还真走了


  i pretent to let you go and you're gone

  3、感情向来心酸 像你一样

  feelings are always sad like you


  days and nights are endless

  5、孤独这个词太孤独了 连反义词都没有

  the word loneliness is so lonely that there is no antonym.

  6、我还是很想你 在每个消极无望的夜里.

  i still miss you every negative and hopeless night.

  7、我也不想坠落 可我没有快乐

  i don't want to fall. but i'm not happy.

  8、谁愿意一直坚强 只是没有人依靠罢了

  who wants to be strong all the time but nobody depnds on it?


  worst of all,when i get uesd to not having you,you will apppear again.


  we laugh heartlessly when we overdraw our tears.


  the city is booming and the wind and the frost are not at all.

  12、愿今后的你 别爱太满 别睡太晚

  may you don't love too much in the future,don't sleep too late.

  13、过了爱笑的年纪 多了想哭的情绪

  l've passed the ageof laughter,l ve been crying more


  time is a rogue,like to ruin all expectations.


  sorrow and joy,self-transfer,others are hard to understand,no one is who is redeemed.

  16、只希望那些想来伤害我的人 放过我

  i just want those who want to hurt me to let me go.

  17、有些心动 从一开始就覆水难收

  some heartheats are hard to recover form the beginning.


  don't give me your negative energy.i'm not happy either.


  my happiness is the sorrow you give,and so is my happiness.


  don't say it hangs forever.

  21、你的眼睛里很干净 没有杂质也没有我

  you have clean eyes,no impurities and no me.

  22、你总说万事皆有可能 为什么我们不可能?

  you always say that everything is possible.why cant we


  a person takes good care of himself and is mature enough to touch his feeling.


  the most distressing thing is not to delete,not to chat,not to intersect.


  you cant cross the shore,but l cant cross rhe shore.


  cactus is not a flower can not be sticked in the palm of the hand

  27、每个人都有自己的澡泽 你不用拉我

  everyone has their own in the don't have to pull me

  28、遗憾两个字 诠释了世界大部分

  regrettably these two words explain most of the world.


  life will only lie,all the hopes given to you are illusions

  30、以后的路总是要一个人走 哪来那么多我陪你

  in the future,you always have to walk alone. where do you come fromi'll accompany you.

  31、爱一个人是劫 有人劫后重生 有人在劫难逃

  to love someone is to rob someone, to be reborn after being robbed, and to be doomed

  32、镜子是你最好的朋友 因为你哭他永远都不会笑

  mirrors are your best friends because you cry and he will neve smile

  33、我就冷眼看着身边的人 等着时间说真话

  i looked coldly at the people around me waitng for time to tell the truth

  34、我昨晚做了一个梦 梦见你回来了

  to love someone is to rob sneone ,to be reborn after being robbed ,and to be doomed.


  what should not be,such as expectation


  people are like a top, and everyone who meets is habitually missed

  37、有些风景 一旦入眼入心 即便刹那 也是永恒。

  some scenery,once to see into heart,even in the moment,is eternal.


  then you choose the right,and i lost to love.

  39、我和我的猫都很想你 可是我没有猫 也没有你

  my cat and i miss you very much,but i don't have a cat or you.

  40、时间是个无赖 喜欢毁掉所有的期待

  time is a rogue like to ruin all all expoectations

  41、没有你的爱 就像在雨天里寻找太阳

  without your love it's like looking for the sun in a rainy day.


  it's beacuses of feelings that i'm so frustrated

  43、时间向来慷慨温柔 擅长把好坏都带走

  time has always been generous, gentle and good at taking away the good and bad streams.


  unfortunately, i have never enjoyed the feeling of being firmly chosen.

  45、明知够不着的东西 就不要试探着去伸手

  don't try to reach out if you know you can't reach it.

  46、放手不是不爱了 而是失望太多已经无能为力了

  to let go is not to stop loving but to be disappointed that is nothing we can do about it.

  47、从此山水不相逢 不闻旧人长与短

  from then on,l landscapes did not meet each other and did not hear the old people's length and shortcomings.

  48、你要明白 空出来的位置总有人坐

  you have to understand that there are always peopl places.


  it's no use leaving light for someone who can't cross the street.

  50、有些人到此为止 有些事由不得你

  some people have so far had something to do with you.

  51、保持关系太累 挥手道别太难

  it's too tiring to keep in touch it's too hard to wave goodbye.












  [00:49.64]没有你 我哪儿都不想去

  [00:57.53]在一起 做什么都可以

  [01:05.62]没有你 我哪儿都不想去

  [01:13.83]在一起 我什么都愿意










  [02:29.52]没有你 我哪儿都不想去

  [02:37.48]在一起 做什么都可以

  [02:45.65]没有你 我哪儿都不想去

  [02:53.66]在一起 我什么都愿意





  [03:21.82]没有你 我哪儿都不想去

  [03:29.77]在一起 做什么都可以

  [03:37.75]没有你 我哪儿都不想去

  [03:45.69]在一起 我什么都愿意

  [03:53.66]在一起 我什么都愿意
